With the ever-increasing development of the scope and variety of platforms' activities, their legal dimensions and challenges are gaining more importance gradually, therefore they are noticed by policymakers, legislators, and the platforms themselves, more. Due to the existence of disagreements in defining and categorizing the types of online platforms and the rules and regulations governing each of them, including the distinction between B2B, B2C, and C2C platforms and dividing them into passive or mere route platforms and active or content-producing platforms, their legal environment has faced with various challenges. Different definitions and categories of online platforms have complicated and obscured the scope of existing/traditional laws and regulations and led to conflict in the jurisdiction of regulatory bodies. Lack of transparency in the legal environment of the activities, and thus the liabilities of the online platforms have faced them with serious judicial and regulatory risks. In various countries, including European and American countries, many efforts are underway to clarify this legal environment. Iran is no exception. The application and implementation of existing and mostly traditional laws regarding crimes committed in the context of online platforms, such as fraud, forgery, and illegal purchases and sales, or crimes that are facilitated through these platforms, are facing legal obstacles and ambiguities. This challenge notably raises one principal question: under what conditions can the liability of digital unethical and illegal content and behaviors be upon the users of the platforms, and under what conditions the platforms themselves are liable? Applying the rules of fair competition, intellectual property, and civil liability also face similar challenges. It is necessary to study the different dimensions and challenges of laws, regulations, and procedures governing online platforms in criminal liability, civil liability, fair competition, and intellectual property, and find suitable solutions for existing legal challenges and managing related risks. The main goal of establishing this laboratory is to get these studies done.