It was a chance for Mehrad to be introduced to computers at an early age. Computers attract his curiosity: How does it work? What is it made of? How do they together form a system with such vast usage?
His curiosity about it made Mehrad think of computers as the most important tool he could use in his life. He wondered if he could create something to solve his problems, and this is what attracted him to computer programming. He started experimenting with different programming languages, trying to imitate existing software to understand them.
Computers did not leave him alone, and his passion for them led him to study computer science at Sharif University.
What led him to become a software engineer was one of his experiences.
He had the intention to improve his programming skills by creating new tools for surrounding everyday tasks and hobbies.
One of these tools, a music streaming service, acquired tens of thousands of users. Having loved the joy of attracting audiences and making an influence on some people's lives, he decided to work professionally as a Software Engineer.
Mehrad looks at each problem as an opportunity to learn. He considers new approaches and tries to design innovative ones. You can even hand over your non-working problem to him. He always has side-projects and experiments as a hobby to broaden his knowledge and keep himself up to date.