About the Employee Handbook
The Employee Handbook will eventually do many different things, but for now we stick with the basics: what roles we have and what is each one about.
Why should you work for us?
Phanous research and innovation centre is a new kind of research centre. We are innovative about the way we want to innovate. If there is an idea, concept or challenge that we love and think we can make an impact about it, we build a lab for it with the best talent we can get hold off. Our labs then literally evolve with the research until it is matured into a state that has value and impact. We then break-off and move onto the next challenge.
At Phanous we strive to do ethical research with integrity. We are pioneering and passionate in our contributions and principally innovative in our processes and deliverables.
We give you the opportunity, support and resources to become part of a truly unique team of passionate, innovative, and distinguished individuals to work on breakthrough research, development of disruptive technologies, and creation of novel processes. We want to create a once in a life-time opportunity to unleash your passion, creativity and dedication on making yourself, and Phanous a part of the global drive to solve future life challenges.
Where to next?
- Joining Phanous Learn more about us and how to join us
- Working at Phanous Learn more about our operations and guidelines
- The Katibeh Learn more about vision and development strategies
- Download Download The Employee Handbook as a single document {.links-list}
The following referecnes have been used in prepration of the Emplyee Handbook,
[1] Plain English Campaign. How to write in plain english, 2020. [Online;accessed 5-August-2020].
[2] Phanous Research and Innovation Centre. Gerd, 2020. [Online; accessed 3-August-2020].
[3] Plain English Campaign.Plain english, 2020. [Online; accessed 5-August-2020].
[4] The University of Bristol. Infosafe, 2020. [Online; accessed 3-August-2020].
[5] The University of Essex. Uk data archive, 2020. [Online; accessed 3-August-2020].
[6] Edward R. Tufte. Envisioning Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 1990. ISBN 0-9613921-1-8.
[7] Edward R. Tufte. Visual Explanations. Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 1997. ISBN 0-9613921-2-6.
[8] Edward R. Tufte. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 2001. ISBN 0-9613921-4-2.
[9] Edward R. Tufte. Beautiful Evidence. Graphics Press, LLC, first edition, May 2006. ISBN 0-9613921-7-7.